Its NEVER TOO LATE to Start Over!

A friend of mine mentioned recently that he wishes he would have done what he wanted to do in his 40's instead of putting it off. Funny thing.....he's still in his 40's. He's just in the second half of them.

Where do we get this idea that its too late? Isn't living built around new things? My boss says every day is a school day. That is truth! The earth is forever turning on an axis that keeps creating new ideas and inventions and ways to change.

I turned 51 in September. I have EARNED those years. Its not been easy. I raised an amazing family. I went through horrific divorces that threatened to knock the air out of me. I've been homeless. I've been unemployed for months at a time.My bills are never paid on time or in full. There's very little in this Mother Hubbard's cupboard. Why? Because I am consistently reinventing my life and its not easy. But I like it that way. I don't like being broke or divorced, but I have a really GREAT house to call home now and a place for my grandkids to come hang out. I have to work more than one job to maintain it. But I am not bored. Or ashamed of my life. In fact, I'm pretty darned happy and looking for my next big thing.

I don't like to get bored. I LIKE the fact that every day is a school day. I LIKE trying a new thing. Its a scary way to live. Just yesterday I realized how many new things I am approaching in the next month. I was a nervous wreck because I realized I am starting a new job, the possibility of a new relationship, creating a new fitness program. New stuff. New scary stuff. But new GOOD stuff.

Another friend of mine is having a birthday today. We've seen each other through some big stuff. He has reinvented himself a number of times. He earned his life. I like seeing what he has made of it so far. I love it that it has brought big smiles to his face even though he was almost drowning in tears. Its not too late for him. He's 55.

Its never too late to start over. Our bodies at some point throw in the towel and it is time to just sit down and let things rest. But I am one who refuses to let that be me now. Its never too late. I won't ever sky dive. I don't like heights. But I will ride in the plane and watch you jump. I won't ever ski again. But I will try snowmobiling. Two things that scared the Hades out of me so I quit doing them that I am going to tackle soon? Getting on a horse and riding a motorcycle. I will NEVER give up. Even if I feel like it.

Instead of  regretfully saying "I wish I would have," I am choosing to live in "I think I will now."  It's never to late to start over. Time for a new school day, kids. Let's go learn something new. :-)
