Ready or Not, Here it Comes!

So many people are saying they can't wait for this year to end and the new one to begin because 2019 has stolen the energy and joy right out of them. 

Ditto, kids.

Hallelujah, God is not controlled by time and we don't have to wait for January 1st for things to change!

But, being human, time gives us a sense of control, a sense of endings and a sense of new beginnings. It's why we have birthdays and Sundays and New Year's resolutions.

The sense of moving forward and starting over heals hurts and somehow propels us forward.

The words written on the note card above have been present in my thinking for a good solid week now.  Note it doesn't say "lose ____ pounds" or "get healthy" or "quit smoking" or "pay off debts." 


Not this year. No way. This year is a year of FREEING MY CREATIVE SELF. No restrictions.

I resolve to be myself, engage myself in authenticity, enjoy these precious gifts and talents created in the very core of me. They are gifts to me, for me, for others. 

Care to join me in a little early resolution to start today, right now, on Decenter 19, 2019 preparing the way for joy and freedom and grace for 2020?

Happy Christmas, a festive New Year, and so much love and cheer to you!
