The Lighthouse
Welcome to the Pensacola Lighthouse Museum. They say it is haunted. I did not want to know the history, or why it has this reputation. I am very afraid of heights. In fact, climbing to the light tower 177 steps in the air was haunting enough. But I wanted to reach the light tower at the top.

And then, 177 steps later, there it was. The top of the tower, encased in glass, the sight of beautiful etching, clear sun, and the end of a destination that resulted in seeing a great light. How incredibly lovely the top of the tower appeared!

This lighthouse experience was a lesson in trusting where I am going to reach a higher destination. One step at a time....but being willing to take it. The climb is dark, and terrifying, but there are windows to let in fresh air, and small bits of light to encourage me to keep moving toward the required destination. At the top, there is hope, and refreshing. A breeze to carry me through. A light to drive away darkness. I may have to climb a dark tower many times in my lifetime, and I may have to come back down a number of times. But at the top there is ALWAYS light. Be brave. Be strong. Trust that you can make it to the top. Your footing is stable.
Isaiah 45:6-7. He created the light AND the darkness. Peace AND calamity. That means He KNOWS how it all works, and you are not hidden from Him, even in ascending and descending the lighthouse of this life. Hold onto the handrail. The climb is empowering.
*All photos are copyrighted: Cherie Lewis, Photographer, 2012.
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