Good Morning
On a road in Wyoming as morning breaks near Devil's Tower. |
This morning I awakened with the sunrise, and as I watched a warm glow rest among the trees out my back porch I was filled with awe at this beautiful place I get to call home. Some would not view it this way. It is apartment living. For me though, it is heaven on earth. To be able to see creation wake up, hear the birds singing, watch light unfold, and watch night fall as daylight grows sleepy, all from the comfort of my deck is amazing.
This created place that humanity has the privilege to call home is filled with such wonder. It is a gift to be able to live among its many variances. So few of us stop long enough to experience it. I do not wish to ever grow weary of its new beginnings. Simple things can give peace to the soul, and we live in a world that often wants to rob us of it. The act of simply greeting the day in fresh air of morning, saying hello to The Creator and His created things, can change the course of a day because you have spent a moment in His gift to you.
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A beach front near Fort Walton Beach, FL. |
rolls in and out. Birds will whistle and plunge, capturing their breakfast as their day unfolds. They engage in this place created for them. Should we not do the same? For by Him all things are created. He so desires that we would recognize and enjoy its beauty.
Step foot into this wonderful place, wherever that place is where you are planted. Take deep breaths of quiet air, and begin the day in the presence of Peace. The very act of living requires much from us today. The fuel necessary to live it is living outside your door in the morning air.
Thank you for that encouragement. Lovely post.