New Glasses
I am wearing a pair of $796.00 glasses. No kidding. They are designed specifically for my eyesight challenges. Eyesight is my livelihood. I have to SEE to be a photographer. I usually wear contacts when I'm shooting. But when I am working at the computer, or reading, my custom made $796.00 glasses give me the precious gift of sight. This morning as I write, I am grateful that I can see, but realize, I am not seeing.
Seven hundred ninety-six dollar glasses cannot help me see anything but what is in front of me. They cannot be sold on craigslist the way an instrument, a camera, or a fitness program can because they are of no use to anyone else unless I am the one using them. They are not a leather sectional sofa set that someone else can fit into their living room. They are personal, handcrafted, custom-fitted eyepieces for my particular situation. They are a dollar value of $796.00 but they mean absolutely NOTHING to anyone else. But without them? I see nothing. For me? They are invaluable!
I have been handcrafted like that. With a unique purpose that no one else can touch. I am priceless, and work only within the confines of One who has allowed me the ability to help others see. See His creation. See His beauty within themselves. See the good side of things. See the possibilities. See Him. I cannot be bought, sold, forced into submission to be what another wants to see. I have been custom made and I have but One who can wear me well. The rest will eventually toss me aside because they cannot see my value.
While I am enjoying viewing the world outside me, I allow others to look inside. Their vision is not distorted when they look through the other side of the lenses. Some of them might see a reflection of themselves. Some of them might want less of what they see and some might want more. My ability to see is of no consequence whatsoever if it cannot encourage them to see their own vision. The point is to let them see pieces of what they want to see in themselves.
My favorite hymn of all time is Be Thou My Vision. An old Irish melody that has been translated to English over time, it is a song of wanting to see. We are but a reflection of our Creator. He is vast and powerful and uncontainable. He welcomes us to look beyond what we know of Him, and to experience His vision that is custom-crafted for us. He invites us to see. Yes, yes, yes, I have heard the saying over and over again my entire life to "keep my eyes on Jesus."
But what if.....what if we allow Him to gently turn us around and nudge us into seeing the world beyond Him. The saying we cannot see the forest through the trees may be applicable here. If we will not allow our vision to wander, to see what is beyond what we think is His face (this is another blog post....our vision of Him is so distorted!), we may never see what He truly created for our vision.
I love being able to see. But I also love it that these new spectacles remind me to turn around, to allow Him to push me a little further into a world that is still within His sight, and expand my vision of it. I am determined as this new year approaches, that I am going to go LOOK AT IT. Fresh eyes. Fresh resolve. Trust. Fear? Sure. But I am walking into it anyway. I want to see.
Seven hundred ninety-six dollar glasses cannot help me see anything but what is in front of me. They cannot be sold on craigslist the way an instrument, a camera, or a fitness program can because they are of no use to anyone else unless I am the one using them. They are not a leather sectional sofa set that someone else can fit into their living room. They are personal, handcrafted, custom-fitted eyepieces for my particular situation. They are a dollar value of $796.00 but they mean absolutely NOTHING to anyone else. But without them? I see nothing. For me? They are invaluable!
I have been handcrafted like that. With a unique purpose that no one else can touch. I am priceless, and work only within the confines of One who has allowed me the ability to help others see. See His creation. See His beauty within themselves. See the good side of things. See the possibilities. See Him. I cannot be bought, sold, forced into submission to be what another wants to see. I have been custom made and I have but One who can wear me well. The rest will eventually toss me aside because they cannot see my value.
While I am enjoying viewing the world outside me, I allow others to look inside. Their vision is not distorted when they look through the other side of the lenses. Some of them might see a reflection of themselves. Some of them might want less of what they see and some might want more. My ability to see is of no consequence whatsoever if it cannot encourage them to see their own vision. The point is to let them see pieces of what they want to see in themselves.
My favorite hymn of all time is Be Thou My Vision. An old Irish melody that has been translated to English over time, it is a song of wanting to see. We are but a reflection of our Creator. He is vast and powerful and uncontainable. He welcomes us to look beyond what we know of Him, and to experience His vision that is custom-crafted for us. He invites us to see. Yes, yes, yes, I have heard the saying over and over again my entire life to "keep my eyes on Jesus."
But what if.....what if we allow Him to gently turn us around and nudge us into seeing the world beyond Him. The saying we cannot see the forest through the trees may be applicable here. If we will not allow our vision to wander, to see what is beyond what we think is His face (this is another blog post....our vision of Him is so distorted!), we may never see what He truly created for our vision.
I love being able to see. But I also love it that these new spectacles remind me to turn around, to allow Him to push me a little further into a world that is still within His sight, and expand my vision of it. I am determined as this new year approaches, that I am going to go LOOK AT IT. Fresh eyes. Fresh resolve. Trust. Fear? Sure. But I am walking into it anyway. I want to see.
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