The First Day of 2015
The first day of 2015 will come to a close in 23 minutes. I am sitting at my desk, thinking reflectively, as many of us are, of what we accomplished or did not accomplish in 2014. It was a growing year for me. And although many things about it were amazing, it is not a year I wish to repeat because much of it was devastating. As I look at today, the first day of a new year, I have to admit I didn't really start it off doing anything radical to make the new year different. It was much the same as any other day of the year last year. I ate a little healthier. But I relied on New Year's Eve dancing that lasted into the morning hours to count as working out for today. I took a nap. A bath. Thought about calling my sister and my folks but never made the time to actually pick up the phone. I began the process of taking down Christmas, causing it to become a very recent memory, which is always terribly depressing to me. I wanted to talk to a friend that is traveling but didn't get around to that either. I went to bed early, but got back up, because this haunting question is keeping me from sleeping: Did I do anything today that is going to make this year any different than last year? Not a doggone thing.
There has been much talk this year, I've noticed, about NOT making resolutions. Some say they are just setting goals. Some say they never accomplish what they set out to do anyway so why bother. This too, I reflect on. What a sad place to find one's self in, to release the pressure of resolve. Isn't that something like giving up? A resolution is simply the intention of accomplishing something. I know, I know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. But isn't there something really important about the trying? Robert F. Kennedy said "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." Even the Bible says "Where there is no vision, the people perish." (Proverbs 29:18).
So during these last few minutes of the first day of 2015, I am choosing some New Year's Resolutions. Here, in public, for the world to hold me accountable to, I am going to begin my year with intention. That's resolution number 1.
There has been much talk this year, I've noticed, about NOT making resolutions. Some say they are just setting goals. Some say they never accomplish what they set out to do anyway so why bother. This too, I reflect on. What a sad place to find one's self in, to release the pressure of resolve. Isn't that something like giving up? A resolution is simply the intention of accomplishing something. I know, I know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. But isn't there something really important about the trying? Robert F. Kennedy said "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." Even the Bible says "Where there is no vision, the people perish." (Proverbs 29:18).
So during these last few minutes of the first day of 2015, I am choosing some New Year's Resolutions. Here, in public, for the world to hold me accountable to, I am going to begin my year with intention. That's resolution number 1.
- Live intentionally. On purpose.
- Love intentionally. On purpose, but also unintentionally when someone comes along that accidentally causes me to experience love. Have you ever had that happen? Watch for it. People-love gets dropped in your lap all the time but its so easy to miss!
- Take more photographs.
- Write more.
- This requires reading more. I am a much better writer when I read. And I love reading.
- Finish college. Almost done. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.
- Own my age while defying it.
- Stay active and make good food choices.
- Get my finances in order.
- All great resolutions, right? Number 10 is my favorite. BE ME. Its the one resolution I have the absolute responsibility to get right.
Well look at that. It is now the beginning of Day Two of 2015. And I managed to make Day One a little different than any other day in 2014 anyway. Happy New Year.
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