Where Am I Going?
Where am I going? I have NO idea. I've been so busy working so hard to get there that I've forgotten the destination. I'm wandering. Struggling. Lost.
I am trying to make career choices this morning. I know what I want to do but I don't know how to get there. The career field of choice has drastically changed since I began this journey. I know that if one door closes, another will open but I can't even find the door.
A new opportunity has presented itself. It isn't something I ever thought I would be. It is the result of being a musician who never quite hit the big time; it is being a photographer who is passionate about helping the world SEE, but who's photos fall among the masses in a field where we are a dime a dozen; it is about wanting to write for a living in a world where few take the time to read. It is simply A JOB.
I am trying to make career choices this morning. I know what I want to do but I don't know how to get there. The career field of choice has drastically changed since I began this journey. I know that if one door closes, another will open but I can't even find the door.
This is a hard pill to swallow for an artist who has been working so hard to achieve something, yet discovering that it may be out of her reach. While working so very hard to get that ship out on the water, she has been doing nothing but barely staying afloat. Suddenly I am faced with dreams that have been sent out to sea and I've been beached.
Am I ever going to be able to spread my wings and really fly? I find myself faced with a decision. I struggle with what step to take next. That blue highway of possibility continuously calls me to it. It appears to be the perfect time to abandon ship and go! What is this creative artist person to do? Let go of those dreams? To be fair, I have tried. I have left my my creative self behind to pursue that desk job, that steady income, made those "smart" decisions. I have been praying, crying, searching! I feel a little bit like God is sitting back and watching to see what I will do. I know there is that message that He placed in my ear not long ago, that I KNOW what I am supposed to be doing but I have not trusted Him to provide for me in it. Its hard to when you have to pay rent, buy a car, eat.
Oh that climb. It seems so daunting. Do I give up? Or do I keep putting one foot in front of the other, facing that wearisome struggle to reach the dream? If I choose to just settle because its a job, the struggle is still there. My current job ends August 1. My lease on my house ends September 1. I will be done with school on February 1. Oh the possibilities! Step up, Cherie, step up. Deep breath. You ALWAYS have a choice. It might be your opportune time to make a big one. There's a staircase awaiting your footsteps. Keep climbing....keep climbing!
God gives each one of us talents, and some of us several, but the opportunities to use them ebb and flow as God makes opportunities available. I have experienced this in my own life. Sometimes He wants us to concentrate on one specific thing and give it our full attention, so opportunities in other areas of interest seem to dry up for a while. Trusting God's perfect timing releases us to concentrate our efforts on what God has ordained is a priority at the moment. Unfortunately, WE tend to want to do everything at the same time muddying the waters which leads to confusion and frustration. Nothing is done well...
ReplyDeleteAs my husband says when I try to cover too many bases - put down your pack and take a rest. God gave you each of your talents, and when HE is ready, the opportunities to use them will come. It is time, if you haven't done so already, to simply surrender the entire situation to Him and breath. When we fuss and wring our hands and try to think and rethink and solve all the issues in front of us, we don't leave room for trust, for prayer, for allowing God to act. That is not living life abundantly, but living life in panic mode. Remember, Jesus said, "Come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
So the question becomes, do your really trust Him to supply your needs? Have you completely surrendered your will for His? Are you willing to give your ALL to what He has ordained for the present moment? Have you committed to spending time in prayer and quiet time listening for His voice and His guidance. Do you have an "attitude of gratitude" for the blessing of every breath, every heartbeat, every morning God allows you to live? Only then will you find the "peace that passes all understanding" and the calm assurance that ":EVERYTHING works for good to those who LOVE HIM".
God is a BIG GOD. He keeps the billions of stars, planets, and galaxies on course throughout the universe, and yet he still sees when a sparrow falls and numbers the hairs on your head. We who are but a speck of dust in the vastness of space are his precious children and there is nothing that we are going through that He is not aware of. He came here and was immersed in the human experience and He understands everything you are going through. If He would do that, and die to save you because He loves you, won't He also lift your burdens and give you clarity about the important decisions ahead? Remember...He is already there and He will make your path straight if you let Him.
Whatever the day brings, accept it with thanks, and give Him the glory for every blessing - even the hard things. When He sees that we accept every opportunity as a gift from Him, and we work - no matter where that is, or who it is for - as if we were working for Him, doing our very best with thanks, He will open the doors when He knows that we are ready. Take it from a friend who has been there and knows where you have been...God is in control. Close your eyes and find rest in the green pastures and still waters of His love and the answers will come. That is a promise you can trust.