Door Wide Open

On a sunny afternoon in Lander, Wyoming, I am sitting on the porch listening to the music of wind chimes dancing in the breeze. Nearby there are birds singing and dogs barking. Its a small town filled with big possibility. And it is home.

Not too long ago, I was at the end of my rope. I was screaming inside, begging God for answers, to make Himself known, to give me some small clue that He was listening. I was hanging on by a thread, and felt so defeated that I wasn't sure I would ever recover.

Then on March 27, I made a leap of faith mingled with fear and on the verge of madness. With $140 in my pocket, I moved here.
I didn't make the move cold turkey. I lived most of my adult years in Colorado, raising my family into adulthood and calling it home. But my family, the parents, my sister, and their extended families all call Wyoming home. And after spending much of my childhood free time here, it always feels like I'm coming home when I visit. It's the place my soul rests. It is the place I run to when I need to find myself again.

I've been pretty honest about my struggles and what I've gone through and the devastation I have experienced. But today, today I celebrate breaking the chains. Cutting myself from the end of the rope. Today, I live as if the door is wide open. Because it is. 

Maybe it's the fresh air. Maybe it's the adventure. Maybe it's new possibilities. Whatever it is, it's wide open, and I am chasing it.

I've had writer's block and my edgy photo sense has been lacking. I decided that today would be a good day to look for the extraordinary in the ordinary. I realized that this life is nothing close to ordinary, and it is an extraordinary adventure. I found a door wide open. And I ran through it.
