What Gets You UP?

I am one of the few that still loves a morning newspaper. Remember those? They get strewn across the kitchen table and leave black ink on your fingertips. One of my favorite treats.

Recently I spent a few days in the hospital. It was one of my treats. I couldn't have breakfast, but they delivered a newspaper to my bed every morning. Delightful!

I try always to carry a book and a journal with me. My mind has to be engaged. I love information. And when something inspires me, I want to remember it. If it reaches MY heart, it might be necessary to another's too!

While trapped in a bed, I did some reading. I looked at photography blogs. I missed a class on nighttime photography.....oh I want to learn that! Boo. But I'll get to it. Oh how I long to be out shooting photos!

No one seems very concerned with professional photography anymore. But it doesn't curb my deep desire to create stunning photographs. And I mean STUNNING! 

I quit practicing. Why? Its the way I play, for Pete's sake! And its what is encouraging me to GET UP! I need to get up on my feet again!

I don't sit still very well. I wiggle. I have always believed that EVERY DAY MATTERS. Even the ones that kick your booty. My forced time sitting still? It reminded me that there is that "thing" that makes you want to get UP.

The things that make you sit down are often the very things that make you reevaluate your purpose, your reason to get up.

Someone said to me that you have to WANT to get up. Oh believe me, I do! I don't react well to defeat. It crushes me. But it makes me think. What do I want to get up for?

My kids. My Grohmkids. My Gramkids. Their kids that will be my Greats someday. My family. All that I am extended from and what has extended from me. Creation. Oh this beautiful earth! The underprivileged. The camera. The journal. The Bible. Yahweh. The music. Relationships! Love. Oh to LOVE!

So why photography? Because everything in this life is stunning. I don't want to forget. People. Places. Things. Ideas. Beauty. Love. Pictures are reminders. Memories on paper.

Its so easy to get stuck, and feel inadequate, and defeated. It comes in waves. It tries very hard to capture me. But I have the heart of a warrior. I'm getting UP, and I am capturing LIVING.

What gets you up? Do THAT! Don't know? Find out! GET UP! Come one now, if I can, YOU can. Let's get up!
