We are Followers
We are followers. Robotic by nature, we follow. We obey commands without even thinking about it. We believe we are free-willed, free-thinking humans, but a simple message will be obeyed without our even realizing it. Those messages that we believe don't really affect us, do.
Here's an example. How many of you have actually torn the tags off of your mattresses? No, really, go look. I bet most of you will still have them firmly attached where they were sewn.
I thought about this when I noticed the tag on a cord that says "Do not remove this tag." I have faithfully followed instructions. I obeyed. In fact, I didn't even consider removing that tag. Never mind that it is irritating and in the way. Its attached. It says not to. So I don't.
I wonder if somehow that gives us the subliminal impression that we are good people, that we chose to do the right thing?
Politics. Oh lordy, I don't want to open up a can of worms here, but you know how it goes. Vote for the party even if the candidate is unfit for office. (I'm not taking sides, and you do not know which side I'm on.....so please, no hateful replies). Just follow and work out the details later.
Religion. "My momma was a Baptist and my pappy was a Baptist and now I'm a Baptist....." Please, feel free to insert any religious affiliate you aspire to. Do you follow it because you really believe, or were you born into it so its what you do?
Sports. Root, root, root for the home team......
It is our innate nature to follow. Gather. Be part of a bigger picture. Fit in. Hang around with like-minded individuals, but in a group.
Being a follower gives us a sense of belonging. That is why peer pressure is so powerful. Its born into us. Can't help it. Like finds like.
We follow what doesn't make sense but works. We follow what makes sense even if it doesn't work. We are creatures of habit and being with others with those same habits gives us a sense of belonging.
That's why we are so determined to have a leader. We want to follow.
Its a tricky business, following a leader. Obedience is something we work very hard at teaching our children. Are we serving them an injustice by not giving them the gift of independent thinking?
Well, my mom and dad did a great job of instilling obedience into me. And I am a follower. I like to think I'm unique, a free-thinker, and quite independent, but I associate myself with like-minded people.
And by golly, I will NOT remove that tag!
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