Where Have All the Art Lovers Gone?
On a day trip to the mountains that I love so much, I thought it quite intelligent of myself to explore tourist towns that I am fond of that might be good landing places for an art gallery.
The Gathering Place
A place where art, artists, art lovers and the people who love them gather.
Isn't it a lovely thought? It needs just the right atmosphere to call home, and being somewhat of a hippy mountain chick, I think Colorado mountains are the perfect place for it to come to fruition.
And then today......
Driving through a few of my favorite towns left me quite surprised at how few art galleries were still in business. It seems that tourists are more attracted to good food they don't have to cook themselves than they are looking in shops. Restaraunts and breweries lined the streets of my favorite small town destinations.
Even though it was Monday, hundreds flooded the sidewalks. Very few of them looked up from their phones. Instead of window shopping or art critiquing, they read text messages and social media posts. Here they were in these beautiful mountains, and they didn't even look up.
They charge for parking now, on the streets of one of my top 10 tourist town possibilities. After visiting today, I know it is not going to be where my gallery settles in. Where there were once numerous places of business that boasted of local art, there were just two galleries that I found, and only one with patrons inside, and only two patrons at that. It dawns on me that we no longer see. Our vision has been clouded by tiny devices the size of the palms of our hands.
Another change I discovered were the number of hydroponic shops and peace growers that have businesses set up. There were more in the town I previously referenced than there were art galleries, and they had full parking lots. There weren't shoppers about town taking home souviniers in bags, but there were shoppers taking home bags. You see, Colorado is one of those states now.
Pull out of town, and onto the next one! I know a dirt road that is less traveled and quite beautiful a drive.....or it used to be. Now it is paved, and not only paved, but growing into a four-lane highway. The multiple campgrounds that used to litter the area are now limited to two. Just two! At least my favorite campground is still open, but to my surprise, it is not home to tents but to big RV's that have rental signs painted on the sides of them like they are moving trucks. Really? You could have bought a tent and all the camping gear you needed for multiple weekends for the price of one night in your glamping unit.
I digress. I visited five of my ten towns today. I'm not getting younger, and I really want to open a unique gallery that will feature art of all genres, from scuptures to blown glass, photographs to hand-painted pottery. I want live music and jam sessions. I want a wine and coffee bar so that it is a place where people come to just let their minds rest among beautiful created things, even if they are in a glass or a mug. Books, there should be books, because words create beautiful art. And toys. Unique handmade toys, because our children should be exposed to art. An all encompassing family and pet friendly destination. A gathering place.
Today I wonder if it is something that has lost its flavor, if there are enough people interested for it to be even a remote possibility. Things are changing so rapidly. We operate in a world of extremes, yet cannot look up from our phones to see what is in front of us.
I heard it said once that we see the world in a limited space because we don't focus on anything other than the most pressing thing in front of us. Its as though we hold a book in front of our faces and never see what's beyond its pages. People watching today was eye-opening. Very few of them looked up. Instead of a book, they watch their phones. They leave home to visit a tourist spot, but really, they brought it all with them.
Has art lost its ability to open human eyes to creative insight? Has it lost its ability to inspire wonder? Have we lost our desire to experience beauty? Where have all the art lovers gone?
The Gathering Place
A place where art, artists, art lovers and the people who love them gather.
Isn't it a lovely thought? It needs just the right atmosphere to call home, and being somewhat of a hippy mountain chick, I think Colorado mountains are the perfect place for it to come to fruition.
And then today......
Driving through a few of my favorite towns left me quite surprised at how few art galleries were still in business. It seems that tourists are more attracted to good food they don't have to cook themselves than they are looking in shops. Restaraunts and breweries lined the streets of my favorite small town destinations.
Even though it was Monday, hundreds flooded the sidewalks. Very few of them looked up from their phones. Instead of window shopping or art critiquing, they read text messages and social media posts. Here they were in these beautiful mountains, and they didn't even look up.
They charge for parking now, on the streets of one of my top 10 tourist town possibilities. After visiting today, I know it is not going to be where my gallery settles in. Where there were once numerous places of business that boasted of local art, there were just two galleries that I found, and only one with patrons inside, and only two patrons at that. It dawns on me that we no longer see. Our vision has been clouded by tiny devices the size of the palms of our hands.
Another change I discovered were the number of hydroponic shops and peace growers that have businesses set up. There were more in the town I previously referenced than there were art galleries, and they had full parking lots. There weren't shoppers about town taking home souviniers in bags, but there were shoppers taking home bags. You see, Colorado is one of those states now.
Pull out of town, and onto the next one! I know a dirt road that is less traveled and quite beautiful a drive.....or it used to be. Now it is paved, and not only paved, but growing into a four-lane highway. The multiple campgrounds that used to litter the area are now limited to two. Just two! At least my favorite campground is still open, but to my surprise, it is not home to tents but to big RV's that have rental signs painted on the sides of them like they are moving trucks. Really? You could have bought a tent and all the camping gear you needed for multiple weekends for the price of one night in your glamping unit.
I digress. I visited five of my ten towns today. I'm not getting younger, and I really want to open a unique gallery that will feature art of all genres, from scuptures to blown glass, photographs to hand-painted pottery. I want live music and jam sessions. I want a wine and coffee bar so that it is a place where people come to just let their minds rest among beautiful created things, even if they are in a glass or a mug. Books, there should be books, because words create beautiful art. And toys. Unique handmade toys, because our children should be exposed to art. An all encompassing family and pet friendly destination. A gathering place.
Today I wonder if it is something that has lost its flavor, if there are enough people interested for it to be even a remote possibility. Things are changing so rapidly. We operate in a world of extremes, yet cannot look up from our phones to see what is in front of us.
I heard it said once that we see the world in a limited space because we don't focus on anything other than the most pressing thing in front of us. Its as though we hold a book in front of our faces and never see what's beyond its pages. People watching today was eye-opening. Very few of them looked up. Instead of a book, they watch their phones. They leave home to visit a tourist spot, but really, they brought it all with them.
Has art lost its ability to open human eyes to creative insight? Has it lost its ability to inspire wonder? Have we lost our desire to experience beauty? Where have all the art lovers gone?
Before photographs, movies, television and cell phones, art in all its forms - painting, sculpture, architecture, pottery, jewelry, etc. - was cherished for its visual appeal as well as for its ability to spark the imagination. Paintings transported the viewer to new places, inspired them, and opened the world to many who had little or no chance to see it. Unfortunately, in this buy-it-now world, few appreciate the crafts of old that produced the world's greatest art treasures. "Cheap" goods overshadow "quality" and assembly line pieces sell before originals when people are not taught the difference between quality and the mundane. It shows up in every aspect of life - in work ethic, manners, dress, respect - all are giving way to the lowest common denominator - and that is why very few "care" anymore if they do their best, look their best, act their best, buy the best, and treat others in the best possible way. It is a sad sign of the times - a sign of the denigration of a culture that once prized excellence. It is not yet completely gone, but much harder to find, and the successful artist – or gallery owner – needs an “angle” to draw people in. It sounds like you have some good ideas that need to be honed and shaped into something that will appeal to the consumer of today. Don’t give up. There is a niche somewhere that will fit the bill.