Be Your Own Cheerleader

Joel Olsteen says, "....start saying "I am a masterpiece, I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am strong. I am talented." I think that is speaking to the core of what God's put in each one of us. He has equipped us. He's empowered us. We have what we need to fulfill our destiny. But we have to bring it out. And you can't bring it out being against yourself."

You can't bring it out being against yourself.

When does this happen? When do we stop believing we are a masterpiece, and that we are wonderful? When do we start believing what the world says about us instead of what our very creator says about us? When do we become people who are against ourselves? 

We speak to ourselves harshly when we would never speak to others that way. We can be downright cruel with ourselves when common courtesy keeps us from speaking to another with that same cruelty. 

We NEED a cheerleader! We NEED someone in the stands to encourage us to be bigger, better, stronger, smarter. And it needs to begin within ourselves. 

There is this a funny little action that former homeschool kids grow into. When they are pleased with something they say or do, they clap their hands above their head, followed by the exclamation "Homeschool high five!" Self-cheerleaders.

We need to be our own cheerleader, we need to give ourselves praise, we need to be kind to the creation of "me" simply because He said it's marvelous, it's wonderful, and it's His creation. 

You know all those incredible art projects that sit on the table or hang on the fridge from your kids? He is proud of YOU like that. When you look into the face of a newborn, and you are overcome by the preciousness of such a tiny child? He still looks at YOU like that. When your kid gets an award for being the most likely to succeed and you are filled with pride? He looks at YOU like that. When she is dressed up for prom and it takes your breath away? He looks at YOU like that. 

It's those moments that encourage the others in your life that they are special, important, amazing....marvelous and wonderful. It is you, cheering them on, making believers out of them that they are winners. 

Start talking to yourself like that! How can it hurt to look at yourself in the mirror and say, "Dang girl, you're hot!" Did you finish that project at work? Why not pat yourself on the back and say, "Yes, I knew you could do it." Did you finish a really long book, or one that challenged your reading habits or skills? "I am so smart!"

Be amazed at yourself. Don't allow yourself to see the things you dislike first. Look for the good stuff. If you look handsome, say so. If you made a sound decision, praise yourself for it. If you are trying, tell yourself it's okay, good try, don't give up. 

You know at a little league game, how a ball player will come off the field after striking out and his teammates will pat him on the back and tell him it's okay, and that next time will be better? Talk to yourself that way! 

When you fall down, just like a child off a bike just learning to ride, love yourself enough to ask if you're okay, experience the pain in a gentle way, and then get yourself back up to try to ride again. Don't quit!

We don't quit on our kids, our friends, our lovers, our teachers, our bosses.....need I continue? Don't we try to make their worlds a better place? Let's try to make our OWN worlds a better place! The best place to love another from is a well-loved heart. Love your own.

My love language is Words of Affirmation. I NEED a cheerleader! Sometimes I feel completely devastated if I am not affirmed by others. I'm really trying to become my own affirmer (is that a word?). I'm trying to tell myself that I am doing great things, achieving great goals, that I'm marvelous, that I'm wonderful. 

Today. Look at yourself in the mirror and SAY IT. 
"I AM a masterpiece!"
"I AM wonderful!"
"I AM talented!"
"I AM empowered!"
"I AM equipped!"
"I AM strong!"
"I AM smart!"
"I AM beautiful/handsome!"
"I AM lovable!"
