When Life Gives You Snow, Make Snowballs!

I have this lovely purple succulent that I am desperately trying to save. I have put it in a terrarium bowl so that light and warmth are retained inside. But they love sun and daylight and without it, they wilt away slowly, dark and cold stealing the life out of them. 

Colorado is having a heck of a snowstorm. It is but 10 degrees out. When the cold air hits your lungs it can knock the wind out of you.

I love snow, I do! I really like the process of getting warm. Socks, cocoa, a soft sweatshirt and fleece throw while sitting in front of a fire watching big flakes fall from the sky as they gain inches on the ground. 

I, like a succulent, need some outdoor light, and although it's out there, I live in a basement apartment that is light, but not bright, and there is no sunlight to be seen, and the window wells are eight or ten inches deep with snow. Oh, and I don't have a fireplace or cocoa. I, like my succulent, am wilting in the presence of winter. 

But here's the thing:  
 When life gives you snow, make snowballs!

Driving home from an early release day at work, watching the temperatures fall, I thought of the many homeless I've introduced myself to over the years, and how very cold some of them must be this evening. I pray a quick prayer that they will find warmth, and help, and food as our temps dip below zero tonight. I pray that they will be as succulents in the snow, trapped in the cold and wilting, but able to revive when the sun warms them again--and perhaps their circumstances change. 

I don't have a fireplace, but I have a little electric heater that keeps me warm at 65 degrees. I don't have cocoa, but I have coffee, and its about my favorite beverage anyway. I get to be home. And although I can't see out into the elements, neither am I trapped out in them. 

I don't want to be crabby or ungrateful or mean because the weather changed. I want to see it for what it is. Clean. Insulating. Next summer's water supply. Just plain beautiful. 
See what you're in, and then look again. You just might see what IS. :-)

Much love and warmth to you. 
