I bought a new coffee mug yesterday just because of these words: Enjoy the simple things. 

Everything in my spirit last night resonated with this as I felt a solid YES. 

I don't always allow myself the luxury of simple self-gifts. I don't buy nail polish or get pedicures. I don't spend a lot on clothes. I don't take luxury vacations or eat out at nice restaurants very often.  

I used to look with envy at those who could walk through the mall with bags of purchases on their arms. It took the realization that I don't even enjoy shopping to overcome that. I find the mall loud and overwhelming. 

There are two instances that will take me shopping. One, when I intentionally go because I need something, and two, when my youngest daughter and I have coffee-shopping dates. She doesn't drink coffee and we rarely actually BUY anything, but we go to enjoy hot beverages together, and get our "silly on." Simple things. 
I love prayer and meditation in the morning. Depending on my mood, I will have soft music or nature sounds in the background. A Bible in my lap, and a mug of good coffee in my hands, I begin each day with the simple things. 

One morning I was driving to meet a friend for a sunrise walk. The city was already busy with drivers on the highways, heading into their day of business and complications, while I was awestruck with the beauty of the sunrise. I wondered how many of them even SEE it, or are they so distracted or so desensitized by it that they fail to enjoy its beautiful, calming complexity. It is a simple thing, to look up, and be awestruck. 

I too, fail to see the beauty in simplicity. I forget there are things our Creator has made just for our simple pleasure. To my dismay, I forget often to enjoy them. 

We are 12 days into 2020. I wonder if I'm wasting them. I don't think so. I think I am gleaning a gift of rest. Time to ponder. A release of planning and allowing my direction to be made and my path cleared for this new year, this new decade. 

And I am grateful. 
I can start over every single day. 

I have time to enjoy the simple things. 

Lucky me. :-) 

I Love you. And it's as simple as that. 
