No, not the book.
The state of our nation.
This morning my heart is so troubled. Never has anything looked like this in my lifetime. It is horrifying, and heartbreaking.
A new kind of fear has gripped us.
Just the way Covid-19 halted our world, violence has awakened it.
For those of you who think the actions of one person cannot make a difference, the actions of one in a single moment has changed our nation as we know it.
The commotion and chaos and fear of war was something that we used to think of as happening in other countries. Even after 9/11, Americans settled into a new normal. Armed soldiers were not part of our daily routines. We were just a hell of lot more cautious.
I thought our freedom was ending there.
Then, Coronavirus. An illness that had the power to bring the world....not just part of it, ALL of it, to a screeching halt. It forced us inside. It forced us to rely on government provision. It forced us to wear a mask. It forced us to hide.
And just as we are able to come outside again....
Suddenly people with weapons and anger have taken up arms against those who have been chosen to serve and protect. We have armed soldiers on the streets, shots being fired, glass broken, lives lost and changed, and tear gas blinding those who were just walking down the street. Fires and shouts are seen and heard through the night.
We are at war.
One decision by one man made one nation go to war.
When you think you decisions don't affect anyone else, think again.
At the same time, if you think your one voice, can't make a difference? Think again. You never know who is listening, or who needs to hear your message.
Praying for peace, and one nation under God.
I N D I V I S I B L E.
Love you. More than ever.
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