There's a saying among photographers to "go for the wow factor."
For 24 years, photography has been my calling. I had a successful studio/gallery for a year in a quaint little place that gave way to big business, and I had to close my doors. It was a mix of beautiful scenic and portrait photography. The financial ramifications of big corporations called my little business to a halt.
After closing the doors, I began working from home, earning a bit here and there, but nothing as I did when I first started my career. As the downward slide began I found myself with nothing to do but "get a job." I was working, part time, in three or four different positions for the next 24 years, to make ends meet.
However, the people I loved most (my kids and my extended family) were the people I wanted to impress most. And guess what? They weren't really impressed. The kids grew up. My folks moved away. My friends saw my career dreams as failure. It was rough.
I have been working toward being an excellent photographer and writer for a good number of years. There have been some successes (the studio being one, and having articles I've written for a small town newspaper reach the front page six times), but the one success I wanted was for my daughters and my mom and my sister to say "Wow!"
Recently, through disappointment, I have been realizing that wow wasn't going to leave their lips to meet my ears. Instead I heard "Pretty" or "You've tried that before."
No matter how hard you try, people are going to see you through your failures -- especially the ones who have gone through them with you.
In the past three of the six months I've lived in the state of Wyoming, my photography has evolved into something different. And it's making me say "wow" to myself. And guess what? That's the only wow I need.
Years ago, I was on a train from Durango, Colorado to Silverton, Colorado. I was wowed. It was as though God had removed blinders from my eyes. I kept saying aloud, "Wow, if someone doesn't believe in God, then they haven't seen this!"
It was then that a voice whispered in my ear, "Show them My majesty."
For YEARS I spent hours shooting portraits of people. After all, if we are all wonderfully made, then they are majestic, yes? I was convinced that this was the only way I was going to earn a living doing the thing I most loved doing.
Starting over in a small town, taking a small but very important job, left me aching. I've spent so much of my free time in Wyoming that if I had to choose a place that felt like home, this would be it. Clearly, it is the people you do life with that make it home. And my kids and grandkids and some of my dearest friends are in Colorado. And I'm homesick.
HOWEVER, without distractions, I have ventured out and explored and brought some beauty into my camera that feels good, better, and exciting.
I still want to hear fantastic praise from my kids and my mom. But that's not where it's going to come from. It's going to come from within. It's going to come from the Holy Spirit within me, looking at the work, and saying "Wow, that's gorgeous." Translation: Well done, good and faithful servant.
Twice during the month of March, I have captured, and framed two pieces of work that took my breath away and caused tears to run down my cheeks.
"This is the work I do."
When those words tumbled out of my mouth yesterday after framing a photo, I was undone, again, because I realized that my calling of showing off His majesty was happening. It's REAL.
Jesus went through 33 short years or being ridiculed and spit on by far more than the few thousand that chose to believe and follow Him. It wasn't until the masses called for His death, put Him on a cross and publicly humiliated Him, that His purpose was going to be revealed. And now, we can be ultimately wowed by the work He did by resurrecting and saving our sorry souls from ourselves.
Surrendering what you do to what He wants is the only success we need seek. Our future is dependent on our faithfulness here on earth. We alone are responsible for doing what He says, and working toward His wow.
The work didn't make me successful or rich. But my heart and soul are wowed by the work He chooses to do through me. And my tears of joy, my belief in what I can accomplish through His eyes, has been more than I could ever ask for.
I got wowed.
With that I share a couple of cell phone shots that depict my two favorite framed photographs that gave me that "Wow Factor." And guess what? A few others have expressed the same sentiment. And I have a meeting with an interested party who may purchase some of my work. My new favorite piece.
Attach your dreams to your calling. When God says something to you, it may take days, months, or even years (as in my case), to grow it into what He said He expected of you.
If you do the work, He will make the way.
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The photograph even matches my bedding. :-) |
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