You know that weird sensation that comes when someone throws you a surprise party and everyone jumps out and shouts at you? In that moment a combination of terror and joy hit you all at once. Or how about the rise to the top before a long drop on a roller coaster? Anticipation and fear live within the same realm. 

That's what I felt this morning when I saw this. 

This summer belongs to you. 

I was recklessly praying this morning, as I often do. Maybe reckless is the wrong word. Maybe more random than reckless. But just offering my thoughts, fears, dreams and thanks to the Lord in a less than tidy fashion. 

Somewhere down the road, shortly after my grandmother passed, everything I thought I knew about Jesus and church just fell to ashes. That's when I began this rather random/reckless act of prayer. I just talk to Jesus as though He is in the room. Because He is.

This morning I was telling Him about all things financial, asking for help preparing a price list, help for getting ready to kick up a big business bump, thanking him for good friends who are leaving their home state to start a new life in another and asking them to be blessed. 

And then I saw it: 

Surprise! This summer belongs to you!

Okay, it didn't say surprise, but it felt - terrifyingly delightful! It was that kind of excitement that comes when you are leaving on vacation. I felt tingly. Like my soul was set free to travel. 

And then I felt this:

That conviction to pray. Not recklessly or randomly, but intentionally. 

Lord, this summer belongs to YOU.  

I believe that message was from Him because it caused such a physical and emotional response, but this summer will be nothing unless it belongs to Him. I believe this summer holds surprises. But without Him, a surprise is nothing more than just that. And maybe the message itself IS the surprise, that terrifying joy. 

ALL good and perfect gifts are from You, Father of Lights. You delight in Your children. You give us messages to remind us You are near. You give us joy in our weakest and most terrifying moments. You make all things beautiful in their own time....even the seasons. And this summer, Lord, belongs to You. 

Love you.



