
Perhaps my favorite corner of my 500 sq. ft. living space is this little corner with a desk nearing 100 years of age and a piano stool that belonged to my good friend Andy before he went to play for Heaven's gates. 

This is where magic happens. This is where I get to look at my work and with pride say, "I did that"! Pride that all of my children and grandchildren are adorning the walls and shelves. Pride that I raised such amazing women and they are raising amazing kids now. Pride that I completed my Bachelors Degree in my 50's. Pride in the portrait and artwork I am achieving. This corner helps me feel like I can do anything. 

These two stones were gifts getting me through some difficult times. I love rocks which make these personal. They remind me that this magic corner of my world is not achieved in my own strength. I'm but an employee in the Kingdom of Greater Things, and the magic here is to make sure He is seen and heard. 

My home is also home to my artwork. I love to look at images that wow me, that remind me of who I am and that my work is important. Hallway, bedroom, heck, even the bathroom. Reminders that the most important thing in this lifetime I will ever do is be me. 

I think we sometimes forget, don't you? That in all our striving and working and earning and doing, our most important ever task we are assigned is being who we already are. 

That doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. It doesn't mean we've arrived so this is the person I am and don't need to keep growing. It means God sees the finished picture, wrote the final chapter, and today, we just need to sit in our favorite corner of the house and be wowed by the magic that is us. 


My favorite flower is the rose. But in a very close second is the Iris. It blooms before you know it, and it's life ends in the same fashion. It is a sweet fragrance in the air while it is here and has so many details and pieces that if one didn't take a closer look, may never know existed. The colors. The petals. It even has "fur".  So many beautiful things in one mighty flower. They grow in one corner of my world and are gone before I could enjoy their splendor. 

Our lives are like that. We burst into being, we bloom, grow, give life and fragrance and delight to the world for just a short period of time, and then we begin to wither, and fade, and wrinkle, but our mark is left with others around us. 

I think our favorite corners are where we bloom and grow and give life, and get life, and are a pleasing fragrance to our Maker and our world. 

Thank you for letting me share my favorite corner. Think about yours. What does it make you feel? Does it remind you of who you are TODAY?
Will you find strength in the corners to unfold into your most magnificent bloom before its your time to wither and fade? 

Love you. Be a blossom of possibility today. 
