This is an older blog, one written to honor the loss of one of my dear friends in 2015. Sharing her memory with another friend who didn't have the pleasure of knowing her, and then seeing those who did made me think it would be a lovely way to remember her today. 

On August 8, this world was darkened by the sorrow of losing its beloved Carla to a world far more worthy of her.

Words seem so empty now. They have little value when compared to what my heart feels. I have been unable to translate this loss into sentences. But Carla encouraged me to pursue my dreams, to keep working hard to obtain them, to become the writer inside of me. To let her slip away without using words to honor her would be unjust.

On July 22, she penned these few words to me after a long hard decision making process had come to a close: "Happy for you that you have a firm path. Wishing you Joy and Success on you journey." She knew before I did that I was making the right choice. She believed in me.

Carla was this incredible light. She illuminated the space she walked in. When you were with her, you knew honor and nurture and beauty had collided and become one person, and that you were blessed to be in her presence.

If you were in a crowded room, Carla made you feel like you were the most important person in it. She saw more in every person that crossed her path than any of them ever saw in themselves. She believed in good, in looking for it until it was found, and then convincing you it was there.

I am not good at loving people like she was. I love passionately. But she showed it. You KNEW she cared about you.

There is no way to control the grief I'm feeling. Many of you who knew her feel the same way. Here's what I can say with confidence that I know. Carla was passionate about people. She respected her elders. She was one of the most compassionate people I have ever known. And now? She's having tea (and maybe a little wine) with people like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Ronald Reagan, Mother Teresa, my grandma, her dad. Dang, she has even met the Big Guy. You know, the One most of us are scared is going to send us packing when we reach the pearly gates.

I'm going to avoid all of those nasty cliches that make me want to throw something at the person who uses them. But I will say this. She earned Heaven. And its a better place because she's there. Carla makes me want to be not only a good person, but an amazing person. I want to be a world changer. She was. And those are pretty great footsteps to fall into.

With tears I will bid her farewell, and with a smile, I will remember my beloved friend.

Carla, I miss you. Party up there. Thanks for being my personal cheerleader. I can't wait to see you again. And there will be much laughter. I love you.
