Conservative or Liberal?

I am unsure if I am a conservative liberal or a liberal conservative. To be certain, I fall somewhere in the middle. I am passionate about civil and equal rights, and I also believe that life begins when the heart starts beating in the womb. Conceal and carry? You bet. Open carry? Even better. At least we know who you are and what you stand for. And if its out in the open, well then we know where its at, don't we? I won't assume you're a thug. Trying to come to the United States to make a better life than the one you fled because of government corruption or civil war or famine? Come on over! We're a land o' plenty. 

So, I sit somewhere in the middle. 

I wasn't crazy about either of our choices for President (come on, you know it comes down to just two). I don't like liars and I don't like dictators. I had dear friends on both sides of this passionate debate so I was cautious not to say too much. I wanted to be respectful of others, and selfishly, I wanted to maintain their respect.

I am not an American who believes we all have to vote the same way. It is our right to vote for the individual whom we believe will best represent our country. The Presidential office, after all, is a representative of what the American people want, right?  

An Executive Order is one man (or woman) signing a document stating that this is the way its going to be. No vote. Just doing it, THEN telling the people its been done. 

I am a wee bit miffed at this. 

I graduated from college February 22, 2016 with a BA in English, my focus studies being in communications and journalism. Half of my student loans are federally funded. It appears that journalists, those who communicate the news to the public, are being accused of lying or being told to just be quiet. Gag orders, really? Censorship? WHAT?!?!? 

I decided that part of being a journalist is being responsible for letting the public know what their government officials are up to. (Shhhhh.....don't tell anyone.....) Are you aware that it was part of the purpose in founding American journalism? 

While I want to be a gentle peace-loving hippy chick, I am also a God-fearing American woman. I have been gifted with words. It isn't enough that I can use them. I have a responsibility to use them. 

It is tricky, reconciling what I believe is TRUTH and how to gather and share information. In all of our nation's division, I fear truth is going to be secondary to emotional responses.

So I go to the good old question of "What would Jesus do?" 

Hmmmm. Here's what I think. I think he would sit down to supper with any of us--Muslim, abortion doctor, President, activist, female--and say something like, "Hey, stop that bad stuff you're doing and don't do it again. Want some more bread?"  Then he'd go to the party no matter who was throwing it and bring the best wine. 

Jesus would be kind. Not passive. Not weak. Just kind. Kind to EVERYBODY. 

I have been hearing hateful words flying out of Christians' mouths, and some very kind words coming out of the mouths of the people being hated by Christians. Hey, if we're going to represent Christ and use his name in our citizenship description, then we damn well better have some of his characteristics, too. 

I've been pretty quiet about all of the politics surrounding this melting pot I call home. But if I don't speak up, and I don't like what I'm seeing, then I'm not doing anything about any of it, am I? 

Am I a conservative? Yes. Am I a liberal? Yes. And I'm an independent voter. I don't believe one side or the other has all the answers. Shoot, I don't even think its a bipartisan split. And right now its just downright embarrassing to choose. 

So while all of the hateful banter and political posts are permeating the media, I'm just going to look for the truth. That's what I am called to do. Hopefully with some good-natured humor, and a whole lot of caution, I can write what I see. 

And I won't be silenced. Or labeled.
