Every Family Has Its Story

Every family has its story. Cheyenne and Brent bravely say, "Welcome to ours." 
Cheyenne and Brent are the proud parents of four children. Matt, who is five years old is Brent's step-son but his boy all the same. Next the twins, Allia and Allie. They are the basis for this storyline. And finally, beautiful princess, their sweet Ella. 
This is a family that was broken. A family that lives every day waiting to see what happens, without expectation, and thankful everyone is breathing at the end of the day. 

In the spring of 2016, Cheyenne and Brent told Matt he was going to be a big brother, not only to one little sister, but two! This family was excitedly awaiting the the arrival of twin baby girls, Allia and Allie. 
Eighteen weeks into the pregnancy, Cheyenne learned that one placenta was fueling two babies. Allia's heart was struggling, and Allie's brain wasn't functioning at the expected capacity. The diagnosis was Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome. 

They were not going to be able to bring two babies into the world. If at all, only one of the twins would survive the pregnancy. The doctor offered a DNC. But Cheyenne and Brent were not willing to terminate immediately. These were their baby girls they were talking about. 

Brokenhearted is an understatement. After the devastating news at their Friday doctor's visit, they decided to go home, sleep on it a few days, and go back in to see the doctor on Monday. 

To call the next part of their story a miracle may sound cruel. But in Cheyenne's world, the news they received on Monday morning "saved me," she says. They learned that neither of the baby girls survived the weekend. Please understand, They could not face the pain of choosing one, or willingly terminating both. It was unbearable. It was a decision far too difficult to have to make. Something bigger than themselves rescued them from those harsh, real choices, relieving them of the responsibility they feared was awaiting them. 

This year, to their delight and amazement, they have welcomed Ella into their world. A shelf in their bedroom displays two teddy bears, two tiny pink urns, the twins' ultrasound pictures in an album, and a blanket that Cheyenne's sister made. Ella will always know she had twin sisters who came and left before her existence, and Matt will always remember the day they disappeared from home. But the one thing none of them will ever forget is how grateful they are every day for the chance to hold and hug and kiss every breathing beauty in their family. 
As May comes to a close, celebrating moms, and June around the corner, celebrating dads, please think about this. Some are doing the very challenging job well of having to raise their families on their own. Some are allowing the day to pass by, being a parent, but not having the joy of holding their baby in their arms. Some are anxiously awaiting news that they will become parentsSome have lost their children to senseless crimes, or to war, or to disease. Some have six healthy children living and breathing and eating them out of house and home, but never really see inside of them. I want to encourage you to honor mothers and fathers. They were required to bring you into this world. I want to encourage you to celebrate fully the honor of being a mother or father. For those of you who are suffering loss, remember you are the chosen bearer of a child that has a higher calling in Heaven, and I weep with you. For those of you who are waiting and hoping, I pray that a tiny human becomes part of your story very soon. For those of you expecting, I celebrate with you and wait with cautious anticipation for your new person to arrive. Parenting is such a precious gift.

EVERY family has its story..... 
     Thank you, Brent and Cheyenne, for sharing yours.  
