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I awakened with a horrible headache and my brain firing on all cylinders. My head is pounding, my body is aching and my spirit is screaming "TIME OUT!!!!"
I used my last clean coffee cup this morning, and staring at dishes means they are staring back at me in all their already-been-used and wash-me glory. I turn my back on the kitchen to see my desk is piled with things and paper that I may or may not need.
I've been spending all my energy at my job and there is none left for me. My living situation isn't restful. In fact, its very stressful.
I have been watching inspirational movies and shows and documentaries as of late. I need encouragement. It was either in one of them or something my pastor Jim said on Sunday that we need to read the red letter words.
The red letter words. The words of Jesus. The ones that some Bibles do a quick color change so that you know those words are attributed to Jesus.
So I did. Starting in Matthew. Don't tempt the Lord. The Beatitudes. And just before a passage that I have marked and marked again about being a light that shines, the part where Jesus says I'm salt, and what will happen if I lose my savory flavor? Who will re-season me?
I've lost my flavor.
My prayer, and meditation on these words, poured out as this:
Lord, please help me not overwhelm myself today. I have too much on my mind and I'm requiring too much of my body. There is so much to do. I don't know where to start, what bills to pay, which room to clean first. I don't want to run errands but I have to get my mom to one of her many appointments, so let me relax and just do without expecting too much of my outing. I want to be the salt of the earth but I can't seem to make it out of the shaker. Please re-season me. I'm so very tired.
I know I am not alone in this. SO many of us are tired, out of steam, and are screaming "TIME OUT!"
The only way to get it? Take it.
I'm a little settled this evening....not as much as I want to be, but better. I took my time today. I chose to wait until tomorrow to address my bills. They are already late so what is one day? I decided to stop at the store and just choose something to eat instead of hoping I could stay in the last few dollars of my paycheck. I hung out with my dog on the couch. I did some of my dishes. I published some portraits from a session I did on Sunday evening. And now? I'm writing to those of you who might need a time out.
I haven't been doing things that I find fun. So tomorrow I am going to the movies to see Unsung Hero and eat movie theater popcorn. I'm going to rest. I don't do that either. I don't just rest. Good grief, even God took a day off. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I rest. I rest, and play quietly.
Here is to your mid-week. Don't forget. You might need a time out. Not as a punishment. As a means to re-season. Get salty. :-)
Love you.
Wow! You're words are always spot on!