
Being a black and white photographer often translates into a lot of photographs of old places and old things. Living in the "old west" kind of creates those images as well. And then there is working at a museum that highlights the pioneer movement....

It all seems black and white. And broken. And empty. And abandoned. And left behind. 


A building can be broken down and abandoned, but a contractor with a vision can come in and make it look just brand new. A blown out knee can  be devastating to a person but a knee replacement can make it feel brand new. An old painting can be restored. And old photograph? It too, can be restored. An old storefront can become a new place of business. And a renovated home can look like it was just built.

How about a person? Can a person be made brand new? According to the Bible, Jesus says [He] makes all things new (Revelation 21:5) and in Isaiah 43:18 it says to "Remember not the former things nor consider the things of old." 2 Corinthians 5:17 goes as far to say that " Christ, we are a new creation: old things have passed away....."

So what is it about all this history, this old stuff that keeps us hanging on?

The elderly, I have learned, love to reminisce about their childhoods. They have fond memories of simpler, happier days. Sit down with a 90 year old man, and no matter how harsh, poor, or sickly their childhood, they will tell you about a time when they were happy.

THAT is the part that is so hard about becoming a new person. As humans we inherently want to hold onto those memories that made us who we are and just fix the stuff on the outside--the appearance of things. 

Your memories are not what God wants to take away. His Word is built on memories! The new person is one who changes their thinking, their habits, their attitudes to reflect the Imagemaker of who they can be. 

We are so afraid of having nothing that we won't grab onto the Great Something so that He can give us more. 

We choose broken and abandoned when a complete gutting of our spirit will give us a complete remodel of the very creation we are.

I think I might practice this week, being the new and fresher version of me. I am in constant need of upkeep. My Keeper is really good at maintenance. :-) 

Love you.
