Feeling defeated is not the same as being defeated. Let me say that again:

Feeling defeated is NOT the same as being defeated!

In 1992, Derek Redmond, Britain’s champion runner was their hope for a medal at the Olympics. During a semi-final race, he experienced a hamstring tear, falling on the track.

One, two, three, and finally, all runners had crossed the finish line. The crowd was going crazy! Cheering and applauding. But not for the gold medalist. They were cheering for Derek Redmond, who had gotten back up off the track and was hopping on one leg. And when it was too much for him, and he felt surely defeated, his father flew out of the stands to hold him up and walk beside him.

Pushing coaches and authorities away from his son, they finished that race.

And cheering tore the skies open.

I keep feeling that sense of defeat. One punch after another. Bloody and bruised, somehow I keep getting up and going again. This, because my Heavenly Father jumps out of the stands to hold me up so that I can cross the finish line.

He doesn’t pick me up and carry me. He holds me up, lets me lean into Him, and walks beside me while a Heavenly cloud of witnesses is cheering me on.

I don’t have to WIN. I just have to finish. And that raises the roof.

You may be feeling defeated, torn up, and like you just can’t get up. But if you determine to do it, guess what? Abba is there, jumping in with his arm around you, holding you up so you can get to the end.

Don’t quit.

He loves you.

Me too. :-)

Note: Here is the link to Derek Redmond’s Olympic win. Not a medal, but the strongest finish of the games. Have tissues ready.

