Taming God

God is wild, outrageous, a revolutionary. These are characteristics I like to think I am reflecting in His image.

But I am scared of just how much adventure He lays on me, giving me permission to engage in!

I forget the ever present help He is. The way He is protecting me. I always want to calm Him down, slow Him down, or speed Him up. I want to tame Him. Like He is a puppy being trained to obey my voice instead of the other way around.

Taming God would mean His timing would become ours. The danger we are unaware of and protected from would become our responsibility. We would no longer be safe.

I choose to trust the outrageous adventure He has for me. He revolutionizes my life on a regular basis, knowing I quickly get bored, and need the abrupt changes that seem to come for me regularly.

He cannot be tamed. And although I am in training, I like to think that I reflect that part of His image when I look in the mirror.

Believe you are safe, whatever journey He has you on. Something safe and exciting awaits you if that is what your heart desires. If He wants to calm you because you have asked Him for peace, then He will make sure you know what that looks like. Without chaos there is no peace. Without danger there is no safety.

He is a wild, outrageous, adventurous God.
