It used to be that families would gather for an annual photo sitting with a professional photographer to capture a memory of who they were that year. They would proudly display a large framed portrait above the fireplace or in the entryway of their home. Each year a new baby might appear, or a college graduate would come home. The grandparents might be in town or the folks might be celebrating 60 years of marriage. Sometimes a family member would be absent, aging out of this life. Sometimes there would be a new spouse to include. The family. Always changing.
Photo Credit: Cherie Lewis Photography
I'm not sure is its the use of cell phones, or a reflection of the busy lifestyle that families have adopted, but it just seems like this tradition has all but disappeared. As a professional photographer, I've seen the decline in the family portrait business. And sadly, I believe it is the decline in building family memories.
What a horrible thought.
Photo Credit: Cherie Lewis Photography
Life can change drastically in one year. How long are your infants infants? How long will Grandma and Grandpa be around? Sad story, I twice have done family portraits for reunions that were celebrating the entire family getting together, only to learn within weeks, they had lost one of their members. How precious a gift to remember how wonderful it was to have them all together.
Photo Credit: Cherie Lewis Photography |
We've become so preoccupied with all of our activities, that we seem to cherish these moments less and less. Our access to social media has caused our personal lives to become public knowledge and we've forgotten how sweet and personal those memories should be.
It is almost Mothers Day. I am a mother. A grandmother. I love having pictures of my kids and grandkids on the walls surrounding me. It reminds me of how precious life is, and who we are in these moments. Its the PEOPLE on my wall that reflect who I am, what's important to me. I don't want to ever forget how precious our time together is.
Photo Credit: Cherie Lewis Photography |
I've learned the importance of selfies, believe me. Those incredible candid moments that happen in a split second. For years I was never in the pictures because I was behind the camera. Now I make sure to get involved. But my favorite photos? The ones we take when we are all together. The ones that save where we are, who we are, and how much we've changed. The formal wall portrait. The signature of making a home. The family picture is a reflection on the wall of what really matters.
Photo Credit: Cherie Lewis Photography |
As Mothers Day approaches, I will be saddened not to be in the presence of my children. They are amazing adults. I'm so proud of the people they have become. Without them, I would not be celebrating on Sunday at all. Its because of them that I am a mother. And its my favorite title.
Maybe your mom would love an opportunity to put your face on her wall. Not your high school graduation photo but a recent all-family-in portrait of you. Think about it. Sure, sharing to social media is fun, and you can be proud of those photos! But make home, home. Put your signature on it. Some people don't have walls to call their own. Claim yours. Celebrate your family. Put your picture on it. Make time. This moment only happens once.
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