Get Up and Be Amazing!

I've been accused of being "hypersensitive" this week, more than once. 

It's been a pretty horrific month. A breakup. A fire. An abduction. Open heart surgery. Hail damage. Med change. Losing a pet after 14 years. I don't own all of these things, but a few of them I do. And the others are owned by people I am hyperclose to. Yes, I just made up that word.

I might be hypersensitive, but with pretty good reason. I'm surprised at the insensitivity that has been expressed, really, but it's normal for people to get uncomfortable with another's pain. 

I came to work, fresh out of the shower. My hair was still wet and  I made the conscious choice not to put makeup on. I just didn't feel like it. I drove with my windows down because at 100 degrees I won't be taking an afternoon walk, so I was taking in as much fresh air blowing around me as I could get. 

And its Friday. I'm just.....done for the week. I wanted so much to just stay home and write for a little bit or pack up my camera and head to the hills. I didn't really care what I looked like going to work because I didn't really feel like going to work, so what the heck. Just go clean. 

Then I overheard someone say something I perceived as less than kind about me at work and that did it. Hypertears. Couldn't stop crying. 

I took a deep breath. Blew it out slowly. Grabbed my mirror. I looked at myself and said "Get up, Girl! Be amazing today. Put your pretty on. It doesn't matter what anyone else says. Just get your amazing self on and do today your way." 

I got my makeup out of my bag. Brushed the windblown hair into soft waves and let it fall around my shoulders. I stood up. I have a Veradesk so raised my computer up to eye level and I STOOD TALL. Somehow just standing made me feel better. 

Here's the deal. WE ARE GOING TO HAVE REALLY TERRIFYING THINGS HAPPEN TO US. And it's going to make you emotional. And it will hit you at obscene times.

At some point though, we are going to get sick enough of it to DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. 

I read a quote years ago that has stayed with me for a very long time:  

Are you mad enough to do something about it? 

Yes, today I am. I may be the low gal on the totem pole, but I am just as intelligent and talented as everyone else in the room. I may get paid less than everyone else here, but I have skills that can be paid for elsewhere on weekends. I am far more talented at things that they don't have a capacity for. I deserve respect. And it has to start with me. 

Respect has to start with me.....

I came into the office less than my best. I didn't respect myself this morning. I respected the the things that caused me heartache, and empathy was my highest priority rather than my core being. I can't help others if I'm not taking care of myself! And I can't expect anyone else to respect me if I don't!

If there's anything I can give you, it is the encouragement to GET UP and BE YOUR AMAZING SELF TODAY. Respect YOU. I know its so hard.

But are you mad enough to do something about it? 

Say YES here.

Love you.
