Why Door Wide Open?

This blog space is called Door Wide Open. I've been asked  a couple of times recently why. I didn't have a clear or quick response to that. But I do remember what I was feeling when I started it. 

I was feeling trapped. Trapped inside my home, trapped inside my illness-filled body, trapped inside a career path that was leading nowhere, trapped inside my life. I felt that outside people and things were in control. And I was praying in complete anguish for the door to fly wide open for me. I needed desperately to be un-caged and freed. 

I knew the world was out there awaiting my arrival. I knew it was meant to be explored. I knew there was healing and Jesus had something bigger than I had knowledge of outside the walls of seclusion I was shut behind. I knew there was a door wide open if I could only find it. 

In the years that have passed, I have learned that I have the responsibility to turn the doorknob! There are doors ready to throw open everywhere and I have to be brave enough to take the Builder's hand and run through them! 

Doors leading down hallways with new things to learn and experience, doors leading outside where nature and creation await bonding moments with the Creator, doors leading to new projects and ideas. So many doors. 

Three incredible things came from this obsession with the door being wide open. 

  1. I knew I wasn't the only one and sharing what happens when I open doors was going to be a mission for a blog, THIS blog. 
  2. I did a final project for a photography class that was based on doors and Matthew 7:7-8. It was graded with praise and indeed opened up doors to communication with other photographers like myself. (You can see the photo essay below).
  3. I wrote a song called Door Wide Open. The first time I sang it in public was for a group of women. I was in my own world but when I allowed myself to look at those I was singing to, eyes across the room were filled with tears, including mine. Women, just like me, related to this song because they too, needed to see a door thrown wide open to them.  

I'm glad the question was asked why my blog is called "Door Wide Open." It reminds me of why I started it. I really want it to be a door for you. I want it to challenge, educate, encourage you. I want it to be a place where words fill you up with what you need. I want it to be a place where you can feel loved. 

Because you are. Open THAT door. :-)




