Photography Books that Inspire Me


I've been blessed and inspired by many photographers through the years, but wanted to share where I'm gathering inspiration right now. 

Chris Orwig is always a favorite. He combines beautiful verbiage with visual lessons and this has been my favorite photography book since its release in 2010. If you can, you should get Visual Poetry! 

Because I love black and white photography, Betty Kuhner: The American Family Portrait is my new favorite find. She was amazing! Combining candid and posed portraits outdoors of families is one of my favorite things to do. She was the queen! 

Elsie Larson and Emma Chapman are the fabulously fun women behind A Beautiful Mess, reminding me to HAVE FUN taking photos, and just take them often! Their lifestyle blog, is so uplifting! 

When I was first considering boudoir photography, I was more uncomfortable than the clients who hired me. I've discovered I lean more toward a pin-up style, and it just took practice and Chris Chang's Va-Va-Voom to help me discover it. 

Finally, The Photographer's Playbook is a compilation of 307 photographers encouraging ideas that help you open your mind to new ideas. I was stumped on day one! Its a great book. Hard to find. I came across it at a used book store. 

Hope you find your favorite inspirational book of the moment, the one that makes your creativity rise up!

Hey, has anyone told you they love you today? I DO!
