There is an old hymn I remember singing at church growing up.... "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand."

I often awaken with songs in my head. I love this little bit of trivia about myself. It's not much, but I have the ability to make music in my sleep. On days that waking breaks my heart, there is a song not far behind it, singing me into my day. 

We are in such troubled times. Nothing feels like solid ground. It feels more like the rug is being pulled out from under us. And not the good kind, like Aladdin's magic carpet ride. The kind that hurts when you hit the ground underneath it.

I am feeling that in a very strong way. Like I'm sinking. Maybe in quicksand. I have decisions to make about the work I do, and the home I live in. Both of those things are changing, and are far from my control. Rug pulled right out from under me. 

But what if I could look at it like a magic carpet ride? What if, instead of being so angst-filled about my situation, I become adventurous in the new beginning? What if I just take the ride and wait for it to plant me on solid ground? 

That's a really lovely thought, yes? 


So often our situations dictate how we feel or where we land. Some decisions are based on perceived necessity when sometimes it is absolute panic. I have that little bit of hesitation in my discerning, but out of fear, I make a less that perfect decision. In other words, I settle. 

I settle on sinking ground. It isn't God's best yes. He may not have given me a solid no, because He gave me wisdom. Fear often interferes with that. 

This morning, humming this tune made me realize that Matthew 7:24 and 25 might very well be speaking to me personally, but perhaps not ONLY me. Maybe its for you today, too.

     "....a wise man built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall because it had been founded on the rock." 

So while we are living in these chaotic, stormy times, I want to encourage you just as I was encouraged this morning: Stand on solid ground. If the ground isn't solid? It is God's solid NO.

I'm so glad to have these words to hang onto today. Big decisions are stressful! But I am going to pay attention to how my feet feel while I'm making them. 

Hang in there, friends, family, casual readers. This is so chaotic and hard and crazy. 2020 is one for the books, and I'm ready to burn this one, baby. But we have found ourselves here, and we are together. Hold on. 

I love you! 
