Good morning, my fellow Covid-19 survivors. How are y'all doin' so far?
Colorado is shut. We got our orders yesterday. And do you know what I'm thinking about this morning? I'm thinking I wish I would have gone to Hobby Lobby before this happened.
My landlords have gone to the parents to quarantine for a few weeks. That means a few fabulous things. One, I can leave the door to my basement apartment open; two, I get to snuggle with their little dog, Oreo as much as I want; three, I can go sit on the deck in the sunshine without being in their personal space.
Oh the things we take for granted! Everything from sunshine to Hobby Lobby!
Early this morning, before sunrise but just as dawn was lifting the dark sky, I went upstairs. Oreo and I went outside. She raced to the yard and did her business then right back inside to warm up. It was a bit frosty yet, but I was so engaged in the sound, I would rather shiver than starve myself of it's sweet beauty.
No traffic, no people noise, just quiet earth and birds singing. It was mesmerizing. Such a delicate, beautiful sound.
At 7:30 am, I returned as the sun was burning off the frost, and knelt down with my face to it's rays and thanked God with my entire being for these moments. I asked forgiveness for not enjoying His gifts of them more often.
While not suffering from this Coronavirus, I have been battling illness at an alarming rate. I almost took myself to the emergency room two nights ago, but knew they needed beds for people suffering this outrageous illness. I would likely be turned away. I was in so much pain, and the only thing that helps is a medication that can be administered only by IV in a hospital setting. But....I could be exposed. What if my autoimmune disease was reacting to exposure? Then I would be the one exposing others.
Fast forward to last night when I should have been sleeping. Fever broke. Oh my word. You know that icky sticky all over wet and cold and hot feeling that happens with that? Me, for the last 12 hours. And I'm VERY thankful.
Any symptoms that many of us are experiencing might be making us think we are one of the chosen..... the Virus has touched me with it's outstretched hand. I jest, of course, but that was my fear. I know I have Lupus and I was flaring and that March is my worst month of the year -- ALWAYS. I know I am battling a case of infection not related to Coronavirus. But, I was with grandkids and kids and a friend this week, so the what-if was haunting me.
So that breaking fever that seems so uncomfortable? It's a gift. It means that I'm on the upswing. It means I'm not going to die. It means I don't need the hospital. It means I'm going to recover as quickly as I came ill!
Peaceful sounds of birds singing, lack of noise, the quiet of people not getting up too early, and 12 hours of sweat. The things we would normally take for granted are gifts.
Naps. A good book. I know so many people that say they don't have time to read. That is just sad! I hope you have time to read now.
Medical professionals, emergency responders, military troops, mail and package delivery people, grocery workers, and truckers, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE.
While we get to stay home and "quarantine," these folks are out busting their asses for us. They don't get to hunker down and live quietly for awhile. Their jobs just went on overload status. Tell them thank you.
You know that verse, the first shall be last and the last shall be first? These folks are last to get to rest, and they were the first to put the pedal to the medal and take care of us. Say thank you.
That's it for today. Just wanted to check in. I wanted to remind you that you matter, that the day matters, and that there are gifts to take advantage of that we miss when we don't have something severe and dangerous to remind us of them. TODAY MATTERS.
Love you.
Colorado is shut. We got our orders yesterday. And do you know what I'm thinking about this morning? I'm thinking I wish I would have gone to Hobby Lobby before this happened.
My landlords have gone to the parents to quarantine for a few weeks. That means a few fabulous things. One, I can leave the door to my basement apartment open; two, I get to snuggle with their little dog, Oreo as much as I want; three, I can go sit on the deck in the sunshine without being in their personal space.
Oh the things we take for granted! Everything from sunshine to Hobby Lobby!
Early this morning, before sunrise but just as dawn was lifting the dark sky, I went upstairs. Oreo and I went outside. She raced to the yard and did her business then right back inside to warm up. It was a bit frosty yet, but I was so engaged in the sound, I would rather shiver than starve myself of it's sweet beauty.
No traffic, no people noise, just quiet earth and birds singing. It was mesmerizing. Such a delicate, beautiful sound.
At 7:30 am, I returned as the sun was burning off the frost, and knelt down with my face to it's rays and thanked God with my entire being for these moments. I asked forgiveness for not enjoying His gifts of them more often.
While not suffering from this Coronavirus, I have been battling illness at an alarming rate. I almost took myself to the emergency room two nights ago, but knew they needed beds for people suffering this outrageous illness. I would likely be turned away. I was in so much pain, and the only thing that helps is a medication that can be administered only by IV in a hospital setting. But....I could be exposed. What if my autoimmune disease was reacting to exposure? Then I would be the one exposing others.
Fast forward to last night when I should have been sleeping. Fever broke. Oh my word. You know that icky sticky all over wet and cold and hot feeling that happens with that? Me, for the last 12 hours. And I'm VERY thankful.
Any symptoms that many of us are experiencing might be making us think we are one of the chosen..... the Virus has touched me with it's outstretched hand. I jest, of course, but that was my fear. I know I have Lupus and I was flaring and that March is my worst month of the year -- ALWAYS. I know I am battling a case of infection not related to Coronavirus. But, I was with grandkids and kids and a friend this week, so the what-if was haunting me.
So that breaking fever that seems so uncomfortable? It's a gift. It means that I'm on the upswing. It means I'm not going to die. It means I don't need the hospital. It means I'm going to recover as quickly as I came ill!
Peaceful sounds of birds singing, lack of noise, the quiet of people not getting up too early, and 12 hours of sweat. The things we would normally take for granted are gifts.
Naps. A good book. I know so many people that say they don't have time to read. That is just sad! I hope you have time to read now.
Medical professionals, emergency responders, military troops, mail and package delivery people, grocery workers, and truckers, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE.
While we get to stay home and "quarantine," these folks are out busting their asses for us. They don't get to hunker down and live quietly for awhile. Their jobs just went on overload status. Tell them thank you.
You know that verse, the first shall be last and the last shall be first? These folks are last to get to rest, and they were the first to put the pedal to the medal and take care of us. Say thank you.
That's it for today. Just wanted to check in. I wanted to remind you that you matter, that the day matters, and that there are gifts to take advantage of that we miss when we don't have something severe and dangerous to remind us of them. TODAY MATTERS.
Love you.
Remember that out of a cocoon, something beautiful is created. |
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