To Every Mother

She may have come home from the hospital without her baby.....
    You are seen. You are a mother.  Your pain is real. 
She may be mother to household of furry wonders.....
     You are seen. You are a mother. Your babies are real.
She may be seeing today through grieving eyes, the first without a child.....
     You are seen. You are a mother. Your tears are being collected in Heaven.
She may be the one who made another a mother.....
     You are seen. You are a mother. You are a special kind of mother.
She may be the other mother who loves a child as her own.
     You are seen. You are a mother.  You have taken on something special.
She may be the one who desperately wants to be a mother and isn't......
     You are seen. You are a mother. You have the aching heart of desire. 
She may be the one who altered her life by choosing not to be a mother. 
     You are seen. You are a mother. Your desperation is covered by grace.
She may be the one who raised children for war, waged close to home or far.
     You are seen. You are a mother. Your battle is raging. 
She may be a mother who has a quiet home for the first time in years.
     You are seen. You are a mother. Your quiet is deafening.
She may be the mother of a household of noise.
     You are seen. You are a mother. Your home contains precious humanity. 
To every mother, of every kind, in every circumstance, in pain or joy:
     You are seen. 
          You are heard. 
               You are known. 
                    You are Love.
     You are a Mother. 
