I've been charging through with my chin up and girded strength through this thing, but today? Not feeling so strong. Covid has me crying. Anybody else? Anyone? 

This week was hard. Here's my brutal truth. I got laid off. A tooth completely broke off the root. I still have four days left of quarantine. And I forgot to pay my rent. I wasn't even aware of what day it is. Checking THAT spawned me to contact my landlord. Rent is late! And then I realized that my boss hasn't sent me my final check yet. 

Oreo let me sleep until 7:00am. This is unusual behavior for both of us. We got up, went outside. She wouldn't eat. We came back downstairs, and then she not only climbed into my lap but climbed onto my chest, snuggled under my chin and cried. Oreo feels it. I think she really misses her people. Does she wonder if they aren't coming back?

Time seems to have no meaning whatsoever right now. 

I have had drive by love-ins. The front door between us, conversations still happen and my visitors leave without me being able to hug them tightly and tell them how very much they mean to me. I mean I can TELL them, but a hug just speaks volumes, doesn't it? 

Yeah, today is hard. So many tears. 

God won't leave us like this. He just......won't. 

How do I know? Well, I don't, I just have faith that He won't. Isaiah 51:12 says, "You'll go out in joy, you'll be led into a whole and complete life."

SHALOM. This word is a greeting, yes, but it doesn't only mean peace, as so many of us think. It's root meaning is WHOLENESS. 

A whole and complete life. Shalom! 

This morning my cousin reminded me I am a warrior. A WARRIOR! Fighting back is required. Even through tears and feeling trapped, lonely, desperate, a warrior has to fight back. 

I know this is so hard. SO HARD. I hope you are not going through this alone. It's a horrible thing, being in this lonely. Hug the people who live in your house, and then hug 'em again! I keep seeing posts about women who are poking fun at wanting to hurt their husbands. Oh honey-girls. I promise you, going through this alone could be much worse. 

So for today, I'll leave you with this: your best. your best. the most. 

And listen to this song. :-)

I love you, warriors! Shalom! 

