Get Up and Get Dressed
Regina Brett says, "No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up." Yes, girl. Let's do that!
I'm going to buy myself a fabulous summer outfit this week. Learning to live minimally, and by that I mean under a poverty mentality, means I rarely buy new clothes. They are usually attached to a credit card and are purchased every five years when I do.
I no longer use credit cards because I am determined that I am living 100% debt free. But I am needing some decent clothes. I am not opposed to thrift stores or clearance racks. A little over a year ago I found a beautiful pair of pink suede pumps for $10. I have one dress that will fit me again very soon that they look fantastic with. But I want something to wear with them NOW. I want to get up, dress up, and show up, dangit!
I think I'm going to find a cute pair of white skinny jeans and a pink blouse. I don't know where, probably the thrift store across the street. I've just been letting myself GO. Time to put on those pink high heels, Girlfriend!
Turning 56 in a few months is playing with my head a little. It's the first year I've felt older. I have hair that requires a little "does she or doesn't she?" magic. Laugh lines have appeared where no laughter occurs. And it looks like I've sucked through a straw my entire life so lip plumping is a real consideration sometimes. I've gone through some big changes, and big changes mean stress, even if it's good change, and stress means looking tired and eating wrong.
I am stopping this whole aging thing RIGHT NOW. I don't care what the clock reads or the year on my driver's license says. I want to look in the mirror and feel fabulous!
This morning I asked myself what I LIKED looking at when I look in the mirror. Why do I poke and prod and only notice the stuff I don't like?
I have gorgeous hair when I take care of it (by the way....she does 😊😊😊). Its a fuzzy mess, but a little TLC makes my long locks shiny and touchable. I have to wear a plate in my mouth to replace teeth gone asunder, but I know my smile is beautiful! My eyes sparkle and dance.
I've gotten very used to hiding my body. I like flowy, soft, boho style clothing. I like skinny jeans and lace. And high heels, baby, make me feel like a million bucks. I just haven't felt like I've deserved to be pretty because I put weight back on. That's BULLWONKY!
I've been hiding under big sweaters LONG ENOUGH. Its summer. Its time for something fresh and....PINK!
It doesn't sound like much. In fact, it might sound rather vain. But kids dress up for prom, beat each other up for the right pair of shoes, and make fun of those they think dress beneath them. The way we dress has so much to do with the way we feel.
Regina, thank you. This week, no matter how I feel, I choose to get up, dress up, and show up at my best.
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