Take Yourself on a Date

Last night there was a Bluegrass concert in the park. I had asked a number of people to attend with me, all of which had decided they had other things to do. Really, that's okay. They have lives. 

I've been single for so long, I've become accustomed to not doing things coupled people do. And I've done things alone that most people don't. 

Not last night.

Instead of going anyway, doing one of the things I really love doing (listening to live music outdoors), I pouted. I went home, settled into a grumbling mood and used food as a friend. 

What the [insert expletive here]?!?!

When I owned my art gallery, it was closed on Sundays and Mondays. Sunday was for down time and catching up at home. Mondays were my date days. Most of the time that meant heading to the mountains for a day of shooting photographs, and sometimes it meant wandering boutiques or art galleries, or seeing a movie by myself. 

This was my favorite part of going to movies alone: I would arrive early, pick my favorite seat, and take a book because it was quiet before the movie started. I had time to relish in the practice of reading-for-pleasure wrapped up in my favorite going-to-the-movies sweater. Hmm. Maybe when the sweater wore out, so did my movie dates. 

I used to DO stuff. 

Now I've allowed myself to become a frumpy home body that acts like a mouse, afraid of everything except elephants. And since I don't really spend time with elephants, that isn't even a factor, is it? 

Oh my goodness, I have lost my enthusiasm to take myself on a date! I used to get so excited for those days alone! I would get up at dark-thirty AM, pack up my gear and GO. I was a wandering gypsy sort, who experienced wonder and a love to meet new people and see new things. 

Last night, when it was too late to go listen to music in the park, I had a serious chat with myself. "I know you're tired of GOING ALONE. But you shouldn't be tired of GOING. You need to take yourself on a date!"

Girl, get dressed up, put on your makeup and brush that dazzling hair that spends too much time in a messy bun. Go on a date, for heaven's sake! Aging doesn't have to mean old. Alone doesn't have to mean lonely. Being a home-body doesn't have to mean home-only. GET UP. GET OUT. 

I'm so ecstatic for my next self-date that I wanted to call in sick this morning. I want to go right now! I am going to work today. And I'm going with something to look forward to later!

Tonight? Catching up on two weeks of laundry. Instead of being home and eating like there's no tomorrow, I think I'll pick up a fabulous dinner something, rent a movie from Redbox, and have a stay-at-home-date night. 

Being single does NOT mean life can't be fulfilling. I spoke with a coworker who has been divorced and happily single for 20 years now. She goes camping alone, she goes flyfishing alone. She LIVES. She LIKES it.

Me too, girlfriend. Its time to get back to the living. I've been through so much that a lot of times it just feels like more work. But I've done extraordinary things as much as I've suffered, and I want to live extraordinarily!

Take yourself on a date. Then let me know what you did. I love hearing from you! Do you know a single person? Pass this blog on to them. Ask them what they did. I am always interested in other people's lives. What I do writing is worthless if it doesn't connect people. I LOVE connection. 
I LOVE you!  
