Small Checkpoints to Success

Do your goals ever seem overwhelming? Do you fail and give up? I know we are supposed to get back up again. I've been successful in small increments but never made it all the way. Do you get that or is it just me? 

Right now I'm just trying to get things physically back under control. Oh lordy, its tough! I want to do the right thing, I want to eat well and not abuse my body, I want to exercise regularly. 

Sometimes it's finances that keep me from eating right. A package of ramen is $.25 and a package of carrots is $4.99. I live on a very limited budget right now. 


This thought hits me straight on: Am I thinking and planning too small? Maybe the goal isn't to eat well, but to make a better living for myself so that I can! 


I have been thinking too small and also seeing I'm not setting checkpoints while I work toward the big things. I know what I WANT but not HOW to get there! 

I want so badly to be physically and mentally whole. It's God's goal for me, and He is the One who will accomplish it, but it is my responsibility to reach for the checkpoints along the way! Instead of limiting my belief in how to accomplish it, I need to think bigger about how it's going to get done. I need to face the next steps in confidence, in the way they affect the whole of my life, not just the step itself. 

I reworked my budget so that this week I can eat healthily. A checkpoint. Making my health a priority. When I am sick, I can't do ANY work. Thinking bigger means doing what's right for my body and keeping my brain tuned up. Pursuing bigger things means taking steps to increase my income so that I can continue to take good care of myself. 

Another checkpoint? Changing my work schedule. I don't exercise in the evening. I just don't. I have so many things I want to accomplish. My photography and writing are things I absolutely have to spend time doing, and spending time with those people who enrich my life have been on the back burner long enough. Those are the things that I make happen in the evenings. 

Mornings are my best time of day. It's the time I get my mind in a good space, my heart in the right place, and its also the time when my body wants to be most active. If I want to spend 30 minutes working out, why shouldn't I can ask my boss to adjust my schedule to start 30 minutes later? 

Small changes can make a big difference. Its hard to figure out what works. Sometimes you think you can't, but how do you know you can't? Brainstorm on your own behalf. My checkpoint is in the form of being creative with my budget and asking my boss if I could work a half hour later in the day so that I could commit 30 minutes to exercise in the morning.  

Small checkpoints lead to big success. I hope this encourages you to try a different way than you would typically try. I'm tired of doing the same thing over and over and ending up back here. 

Do you want to be successful this time? Do it differently. If it didn't work the way you did it before or the time before that, it won't work this time either. Think bigger. Set a checkpoint. 

I'm proud of you. Don't quit. Sometimes it takes a detour to get back onto the road you need to travel, right? I believe in you!
